Wednesday 15 February 2012

Requesting New Desks For Room 22

Muritai Road


Dear Board of Trustees and Mr Bird,
I am a class member of Room 22, and I would like to request of new desks in my classroom, because of these reasons.

Firstly, our desks are currently damaged and have graffiti all over the edges, and the front from the former Muritai School senior students, for this reason I think that we should have new desks.

Secondly, we have been having to walk to our tote trays and retrieve our work equipment. This is distracting and wastes our valuable learning time. If we get new desks this could all change.

Thirdly, our desks are uneven in height, different colours, unstable, and scratched all over.        

Lastly, some of us are in our last year of Muritai and we deserve new desks. The rest of the school have new desks so why can’t we?

We are requesting new desks because it currently causes congestion, it causes distraction, they are not nice to look at or work at and we deserve better. Please make it happen.

Yours sincerely
Drew Cullen

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