Monday 5 March 2012

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Biography

The person that I admire is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. He was born on the 18th of July 1918 where he started his life in terror and excitement. Later he became the first black president of South Africa, From 1994 to 1999. This is the story of the great Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela was born in a little village called Mzezo, located in Umtata. Nelson Mandelas dads name was Gadld Henry Mphakanyiswa, he was the chief of the town Mvezo. His family then moved to a town called Qunu. In that village he had four different wife's. Later in his life his dad had 12 other children, 4 boys and 9 girls.

Nelson Mandela became the first member of his whole family to go to a school. That is where he got the english name Nelson that his teacher gave him at school. The teachers name was Ms Mdingane. When Nelson turned 9 his father died of tuberculosis which affected him badly. So then Nelson was given a guardian, his name was Jongintaba. Later in Nelsons life he attend Wesleyan Mission school at the age of 16. Later he attended Boarding school. There he got his Junior certificate in two years instead of a usual 3 years. In 1937 Mandela moved to Heald town at the age of 19. He attended the Fort Hare University, where he studied the students representative council. He was going against the university polices and was told to leave fort hare and not to return unless he elected the students reprasentative council (SRC). on the 5 of August

After the 1948 election victory of the african dominate party which spotted the apartheid PD of racial segregation  lead promptly in the African national congress (ANC)  1952 daffiness campaign and the 1955 congress of the people. Gandhi influenced Mandelas  approach, Mandela later took part in the 29th till 30th 2007 conference in new Delhi making the 100th anniversary of
Ghandi introduction of Satyagraha in South africa. 

On the 2nd of February 1990 state press F.W De Clerk reversed  the ban of the African National Cegress  and announced that Mandela was to be released  as soon as possible. Shortly after a few days Mandela was released from Victer Wester Prison in Paal on the 11th of february 1990. Mandela has been married three times, and has fathered 6 children, has 20 grandchildren, and a great number of great grandchildren.

Now Mandela is having a hard life at the age of 93, going to hospital a lot seeing how things have changed from when he was young. But one thing he shall always remember is that in South Africa he helped the black people enjoy life for what they live with. And that is Nelson Mandela has made people believe in what is right.

By David and Drew

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