Sunday 10 June 2012

What is the Carbon Cycle

The carbon cycle is a continues cycle like all other cycles on earth.
Carbon is a chemical element, like hydrogen, oxygen, lead or any of the others in the periodic table. Carbon is what all living creatures breath out. If all humans died the carbon cycle would still continue. 
Carbon is stored in trees, plants, water, animals and human bodies. Carbon is released when trees rot and die, when people breathe out, when wood burns and when animals die carbon is released as they decay into the soil. Carbon can also be released when there is a volcanic eruption.
Humans can get rid of carbon in there bodies by breathing out, and dying its just the same with animals. Plants can get rid of there carbon by dying, decomposing and catching on fire.
When a tree catches on fire all the carbon in the wood releases and rises in to the atmosphere. If you set a table on fire all the carbon will come out and float into the air.
In conclusion we are cutting down all the trees which releases more carbon into the atmosphere which is unhealthy for the planet. We need to stop and think before we kill our planet. We need the trees to breath.
By Ella Littlejohn & Drew Cullen

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